that excreted @ffffff 333333 NE (163, TIDYU.K.Newcastle upon Tyne NE20 9SXPonteland54 West Road,Medical and Biological Services,50 pounds per computer from:Registration costs typicallyavailable on registration.The full version of this section isUltrafiltrationTissue fluid balance------------------Role of lymphatics.Capillary blood flowPermeating moleculesCapillary structureCapillary permeabilityConcentration gradientsSurface areaRecruitment of capillariesDiffusion distanceCapillary densityas a transport process:-Factors which influence diffusion --------DiffusionNegative pressure in tissuesProtein in interstitial fluidOther factors:-Fluxes along the capillary.--------------------Other topics covered Press S-BarOsmosisFiltrationNE4H4C1NE4 H4NG4F4Ng4F4C2NG4F4VA-----------------------------------------Resultant forces along length ofthe venous end of the capillary.and from the interstitial space intocapillary into the interstitial space,move out of the arterial end of aThese forces therefore, cause fluid to15 - 25 = -10 mmHgCOP-cap - Pcap-venhydrostatic force.the plasma proteins is greater thaninwards because the osmotic force ofWhereas at the venous end fluid moves32 - 25 = 7 mmHgPcap-art - COP-artresponsible for ultrafiltration is:-Therefore at the arterial end the forceC3NG5F525mmHgCOP-capcapillaryCOP-cap = colloid osmotic pressure inC1NE5H515 mmHgPcap-venvenous end of capillaryPcap-ven = hydrostatic pressure atC2NE5H532 mmHgPcap-artarterial end of capillaryPcap-art = hydrostatic pressure atVenous endArterial end------------------------------------The major forces along the capillaryosmosis.The concepts of osmotic pressure andand osmotic pressure refer to program(For a detailed description of osmosisosmosisandultrafiltrationcapillary.forces are seen to act on the On the previous diagram two groups ofpermeable.capillary because it is veryFluid is able to leave and enter a now be considered.It is the latter aspect which willinterstitial space.end of the capillary into theForces fluid from the arterialto the veins.blood through the capillaryIt causes the propulsion oftwo effects:-the pumping action of the heart hasThe pressure in the vessels created byfluidInterstitialC2NG3 F3Interstitial fluid pressurePlasma colloidPlasma colloid osmotic pressure------------------------Inwardly directed forces:-pressurecolloid osmoticInterstitial fluidC3NE3 H3osmotic pressureInterstitial fluid colloidPressurehydrostaticCapillary hydrostatic pressure.-------------------------Outwardly directed forces:-NE3 H3Capillaryof forces:-Flow is determined by two groups======================The bulk flow of fluid ===================================Exchanges across the capillary wall==========================An excerpt from Section 3: (through urine_